Intellectual Property News Roundup 41. Bringing the best from the web.
Here it is; the evolution of the wind shield wiper. You’re welcome.
LG and Google strengthen their partnership with a 10 year patent cross licensing agreement.
Google’s patent application for expandable text adverts, protecting you from click bait since 2003.
Electronic Frontier Foundation’s Stupid Patent of the Month, October edition
Shouting ‘McDonalds’ at your television and throwing imaginary pickles, Sony has a novel way of skipping those pesky television advertisements standing in the way of your favourite prime time viewing.
Blackberry has hinted they may have jumped on the wearable technology band wagon.
Would you pay-as-you-puff? Philip Morris applies for a connectable e-cigarette.
Why have stairs at all? Although getting to the top would be much more of a chore than sliding down.
The quirky inventions that never really were.