Fellows Poll: We Asked, You Answered
Visitors to our website may be familiar with our ever changing poll on the homepage, covering topics ranging anywhere from LinkedIn and social networking habits to your favourite movie inventions and the best thing since sliced bread.
We thought we would welcome in the New Year with a look back at the polls of 2014 and give you a little insight into how our visitors think.
Please note the following pie charts are included for mostly snazzy artistic purposes. In order to gain an idea on how the votes were split, the segments correspond to the answers in a clockwise fashion.
What type of LinkedIn group member are you?
50% of our contributors regarded themselves as passive members, where they enjoyed reading the content but did not provide any contributions. Active members who liked to post comments and contribute to discussions made up 37.5% and 12.5% were idle members who had joined for the sake of it and do not utilise the site in any way.
What do you mainly visit this site for?
We invest heavily in our on line content and so was curious to see what draws people to our site. 41.7% of people were first time visitors and 25% came for the news articles, videos and press. Surprisingly the jobs page did not come up top and only 16.7% saw this as a priority.
Out of the options below, what is most important to you?
The working environment came up trumps on this one with 33.3% of contributors regarding it as most important, closley followed by variety of work with 25%.
Which social network is your first port of call when posting content?
Professional content calls for a professional platform. No surprise then that LinkedIn topped the poll with 44.4% of contributers citing it as their preferred port of call. Twitter, Google+ and Facebook managed 11.1% each and 22.2% split their content between sites depending on its target audience.
How confident are you about your personal financial situation in 2014?
There was an even split between our optimistic contributors and those who thought their situation would not change, with 35.3% each. Our pessimists made up 23.5% and 5.9% just couldn’t say. We wonder how accurate their predictions turned out to be?
When was the last time you sent a fax?
We were shocked to see that the fax does still play a part in our lives with 46.2% sending one in the last 12 months and a further 23.1% in the last 3 years.
How do you normally watch a film?
Cinema unsuprisingly took the lead with 28.6% with Netflix/LOVEFiLM and DVD/Blu-ray both followed, tying with 21.4%.
INTA is in Hong Kong this year, has the fact it is not held in the US made you…
40% of you were less likely to attend INTA when in Hong Kong, whilst 20% were more likely and 40% were simply not fussed!
It’s our 5-year company anniversary in August, how should we celebrate?
Sadly we did not listen to the 31.3% who voted for the corporate Ferrari and instead went with the 12.5% in favour of a new viral video. You can view it here.
What really is the best thing since sliced bread?
The ballpoint pen and the TV remote control took joint first place with 28.6% and the microwave oven took second with 21.4%.
Your mobile phone is…
16.7% of contributors enjoy a contract paid for by their employer, as well as another 16.7% who pay as they go.
If you could have any movie invention in real life, what would it be?
The hoverboard was the favourite with 37.5%. 2015 plays a major role in Back to the Future II and with Nike already planning to sell their self-lacing trainers, will the hoverboard make an appearance?
When you attend IP conferences do you visit the exhibition hall?
The exhibition hall is seemingly not a priority with the majority 37.5% only attending if they have a few minutes to kill. We think it’s always worth a visit, if not for the freebies than for anything else!
Would you ever consider relocation for a role?
It seems firms can snag candidates from further afield with 53.8% open to a move if the role was right.
Does the Christmas period affect your attitude towards a career move?
Please keep an eye out for our latest poll and contribute when you’re passing by the website. If you have any comments, an idea for a new poll or would like the full results of any of the polls in 2014 then please get in touch with us at [email protected].