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Fellows Bytes: It isn’t all about the money

Fellows Bytes: It isn’t all about the money

In our new miniseries we tackle mistruths and myths surrounding the recruitment industry. This edition argues that it isn’t actually all about the money…

…well maybe it is to an extent. Money doesn’t exactly grow on trees and we all need to make a living, but the point of this edition of Fellows Bytes it is to explain that there is so much more to our role than just making a quick fee.

In our opinion recruitment is all about relationships and reputation. It is crucial to our business model that we form and nurture long standing relationships with both our clients and candidates so that they keep coming back to us time and time again. After all, more often than not our clients will always be looking to recruit, whether they are growing the business or replacing a leaver, and candidates generally make a move more than once in their career. It is not uncommon for us to keep in touch with a candidate, who originally may have decided to stay put or chose another option that we didn’t provide, and help them years after we first spoke.

If we succeed in forming a good relationship with a client or candidate then of course we will make money at some point (otherwise we wouldn’t be very good at our jobs), however for us it is all about the long term game. It’s all well and good securing a fee but if you don’t make the effort to get to know your client and candidate ,and ultimately the placement winds up going south because the fit isn’t right for either party, then you end up losing the money and your reputation in the process.

Lastly, we like to think we’re quite a creative and friendly bunch at Fellows and Associates and so fee making aside; we generally do enjoy spending time on advertising, both our own and our clients’, managing our social media accounts, and keeping up to date on industry developments at networking events and international conferences.

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