Intellectual Property News Roundup 36. Bringing you the best from the web.
Not for the faint hearted. Argentinian painter uses his own eye to create Jackson Pollack inspired paintings.
The failed paper aeroplane makers of the world rejoice. You may now have a shot at creating one that can actually fly!
A cave with its own weather system, who’d a thought it?
Would you call yourself a geek or a nerd (or neither)? Ponder no longer, now there’s research to differentiate between the two.
Greenwing Audio have launched a Kickstarter campaign to fund their project; wireless hands free earphones.
Titan Aerospace have developed the Solara Drones that are solar powered and can fly continuously over five years. Providing live-mapping and monitoring narcotics trafficking at the fraction of the cost of a satellite.
Speaking of drones, for the image conscious now there’s the handy drone controlled by make up.
LG hope to start selling smartphones with curved screens in 2014.
Police in Aberdeen trial mobile fingerprint scanning technology, already a success with many English forces.
Seene, a free app, allows iPhone users to capture 3D images.
Woman outraged after being pulled over for wearing Google Glass whilst driving….I could be wrong but I think he was more concerned about the speeding?
Quite possibly the best news story featured this month…..but not if you own a Dell Latitude 6430u laptop. Click here to find out why.
“GPS bullets are latest weapon for American police” – not what you think, and nowehere near as cool.